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4 Ways the Dentist Can Help Prepare Your Child for a New School Year

August 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drforester @ 8:55 pm

kids backpacks

Oh, summertime. You and your children enjoyed the warm sunshine, lazy days at the pool, and vacations in beautiful destinations, but now it’s time for the new school year to start. You help get your child ready for new teachers, new classmates, and new challenges in many ways, but have you thought about preparing their smile? A visit to the dentist can work wonders for your child as they gear up for school. Check out these ways this checkup and cleaning appointment can help!

Give Your Child Confidence

Think of all the money you spend on clothing, shoes, school supplies, and more to get ready for a new school year. Why do you buy all these things? Your child wants to make a good impression on their peers. One of the best ways to do just that is having a healthy, confident smile. If your child has dental problems, they may not feel comfortable around others and may develop self-esteem issues. Complete your child’s first-day look by making sure that their teeth are perfectly clean and cavity free with your family dentist.

Prevent Painful Dental Emergencies

Did you know that tooth decay can impact your child’s development in nearly every way? Untreated cavities can impede their ability to eat or speak, and certainly the pain of a cavity can interfere with their focus. In fact, studies have found that children who have poor oral health tend to have lower grades than those with good oral health. By bringing your child in for their checkup and cleaning, you can catch problems before they cause your child pain and prevent future problems from developing in the first place.

Take Advantage of Free Time

At some point during the summer, especially toward the end, every child says, “Mom, I’m bored.” Although your child doesn’t have as much free time on their hands as they did during the summer months, now is the perfect time to get this necessary appointment taken care of before their schedules get too hectic again.

Keep Your Child in the Classroom

You want your child to have as many educational opportunities as possible this upcoming school year. After all, they may discover something that sparks a lifelong love of learning or that leads them to their passion. Taking your child to the dentist during the summer break allows you to avoid needing to take them out of school later on. That way, they can have more time in the classroom and stay on track more easily.

When your child exits the car and heads toward the school building every day, you want to know that you’ve done everything possible to set them up for success. Make sure that their smile is strong and ready to show off by scheduling a dental checkup and cleaning appointment with your dentist.

About the Author

Dr. James Forester owns and operates Coastal Pediatric Dentistry in San Luis Obispo, CA. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. As a father of two children, Dr. Forester knows how to make any child feel comfortable in the chair. He has been practicing dentistry since 2007 and loves helping young patients smile. To schedule an appointment with him, call or click here.

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